
Get Visitors By Submitting To Google News

The additional benefit is: Pinterest now instead of simply having one (optimized) listing in the search engine, you end up with SEVERAL, many of them on the first page! None of them is even your site, but all of them are pages that lead people TO your website!

By now you have undoubtedly picked your subject or product that you want to promote online. You understand that you need a good website with good content for Google to like you. But what SEO tips should be incorporated to give the best chance to be on page one of Google?

You can do that. Often I’ll just do an audio and then I’ll blend it with a picture and you turn that into a video, so you can go the other way in your SEO strategies. Or you can literally just read a post and then podcast it. It is great to get that sticky feel about it for your website. You have a lot of social proof; they can see that it’s been downloaded a thousand times so it really does help bring in that credibility. People keep coming back. That’s not going to hurt your search engine results.

I don’t think many people do, I think they miss that. I had over 10,000 podcasts downloaded off my blog. The great thing is, it’s a Trojan horse. It sits on iTunes, it goes on every iPhone or iPod shuffle. You have access to your customer when they’re in a pretty receptive environment, like driving along or walking along the road with headphones on. You have 100% access with no distractions.

Once it is “Optimized”, then you need to let the search engines know that you exist. Only after it is ready should you tell them about it. But this is a subject for another article. Do a search of different article warehouse or SEO news sources. You will find a lot of information on this.

It is best practice to use the HTML tag around some keywords that are relevant to the page and that are listed in that page Meta keyword list. DO NOT use them everywhere and on every keyword as this will cause an overuse of the tags. Using it once or twice in a page or post is plenty. I recommend using the tag around a keyword that appears the most. DO NOT bold every single word i.e. if your keyword was ‘SEO’ and on the page you have SEO appearing 10 times, just make one bold which is enough.

Now that you are done with the rudiments, you can start reading blogs on SEO; these blogs would not just let you learn SEO, they’ll also give you a chance to discuss with others who do SEO for their blogs and website.

Base it on the time of your target area and not your locale. Mornings are also best to give the day a fresh start and to give it the whole day to be found and read.

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